Recovery Post Delivery

Hello mommies and soon to be mommies Welcome to Cheekoo Garden

          Postpartum recovery is something which doesn't happen in few days or weeks. Your body has gone through so much from past nine months. Post delivery you'll be on the peak of happiness seeing your cute little baby. But ladies remember now its not only your baby who needs your attention, its also your body. Yes, you are as important as your baby. 

  It doesn't matter you had a normal delivery or C-section, your body has done so much of hard work and now it really really needs some caring. This post is all about my experience of post delivery recovery. If you are a new mommy or soon going to a mommy then this is really going to help you.

1)Take Rest:

            You will be happy seeing your little bundle of joy, but make sure you get plenty of rest for yourself. Because your body has under gone so much of trauma during the delivery and also from past nine months to successfully shape your baby.
  Take it easy even if you feel better at first, initially you might be on pain killers when in hospital. Your Uterus starts to shrink back to normal post delivery doesn't happen in a single day.

2)Follow healthy diet 

            Maintain a healthy diet, also you are the source of nutrition for your baby. Postpartum constipation is very common, talk to your doctor and get some stool softener prescribed. Consume plenty of fluids.

3)Maintain proper Hygiene

You had  Normal delivery or C-Section, maintaining proper hygiene is very very important. If you had a C-section you'll be off dressing by a week or 10 days, don't forget to get some antiseptic powder prescribed from your doctor. Do not apply anything to the surgery area without your doctors consent.

4)Massage and Hot bath

Its a good idea to get body massage for few days. Massage and hot bath helps you in feeling fresh and also helps your body to come back in shape soon. Its better to hire a professional massage ladies who are specialized in postpartum body massage, they give massage to you as well as your baby. Its worth investing.

5)Take your supplements

Iron and Calcium pills are must taken supplements post delivery. Remember you are going to bleed for days or even month post delivery. Your bones are weak and needs to be strengthened. Doctors prescribe them for three months or six months or even more depending on your body condition. 
For some ladies multivitamin tablets are prescribed depending on their condition.

6) Keep yourself warm

            Post delivery your immunity will be very low and you'll be in high risk of catching cold and cough. So keep yourself warm and take extra care that you don't catch cold or any allergy. Coughing after C-Section there might be chances of the stitches to loosen. 
Also remember its you who is very close to your baby. So if you get cold there are high chances that you pass it on to your baby and your babies immune system is still developing and is not yet ready for it.

So ladies this is it, take a very good care of yourself and your baby. I wish you a happy Motherhood

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