Importance of Vitamin D3 in babies

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Where do we get vitamin D from??
   From sun.... 
    That is the common answer which everyone gives and that is very much true.  Sun is the main source of vitamin D. But with current lifestyle we are so packed that we are not exposing ourselves to the naturally available sun rays.

        Vitamin D3 is required by babies too for proper development. It is said that mother's milk contains all the necessary nutrition required by baby in a proper proportion except vitamin D3. It is said that babies below an year need 400IU of vitamin D3 a day which cannot be fulfilled by breast milk alone. Doctors prescribe Vitamin D3 drops once a day as a routine at least for first six months from first month of birth itself.
        Babies bones are very fragile at the time of birth and they rapidly develop in the first year of baby's life. Vitamin D3 is the must needed for the proper bone and teeth development. 
        Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to Rickets (it is a condition in which babies bones soften and become weak). Vitamin D3 supplements is available in different brand names through out the globe. Please Consult your doctor for proper dosage. 
        Common symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency are delayed motor development, bone pain, delayed teething.
        Not only newborn babies, it is very important that pregnant ladies also take their vitamin D supplement for proper growth of baby in womb. 


  1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ I would read about how important vitamin D is for your babies all the time while I was pregnant. I bought the drops for the milk and I do small walks during the week.
    Great share!

  2. I've never heard about giving babies extra Vitamin D3. It was never something that my children's doctors ever recommended me giving my kids. It's probably a good thing that we breastfed as well as supplemented formula so they were able to get that extra vitamin.

  3. This is good information for all mothers. Vitamin D is such an impressive supplement for breastfed babies!

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  5. Thanks for the info! I can’t remember if we gave our boys Vitamin D!

  6. Wow, I didn't know that. I don't remember my doctor giving us vitamin d or even telling us how important it is.

  7. Thanks for the great information! I used the drops for my kids while nursing!

  8. Oh wow, I have never heard of vitamin D3? Unless the general Vitamin D that everyone talks about is D3? But thank you for the post, I found it very informative!



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